Translation services for real estate professionals

The Property Linguists

High-quality translation services and English language support. Our language specialists have an in-depth knowledge of the real estate world.

Our Mission

Linguists for the real estate business

Your bricks and mortar is our bread and butter. Seriously, we have a deep love of all things real estate. And a talent for text and translation. A winning combination for us. But also for you. Never struggle to find a specialist real estate translator again!

Our approach

We keep things simple for you

You're busy enough as it is. Experience tells us that when you're looking for a translator, time is already of the essence. That's why we're here. We can't move mountains, but we have got your back when you need high-quality translation work. Save yourself a headache and let us take the strain.


Priced to perfection

Many agencies won't publish prices or try to lure you in with a mythical starting price, only to quote you a higher rate after you've sent them your text. We charge €0.20 per source word. This is based on an hourly rate of €70. Sure, you can buy translation cheaper elsewhere, but you'll be getting a non-specialist service. Our pricing includes a 27-year track record, vast experience with legal and real estate texts, a deep understanding of the real estate world, and our linguistic prowess.



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